Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Theme of Secrecy in Twelfth Night

Secrecy is an important element in any plot. It creates irony and sometimes situational comedy. The way in which a character keeps or reveals a secret affects the plot and adds to the main theme of the work. Viola, a character in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, must keep the secret of her true identity. The play uses secrecy as an important element of the plot by creating irony, situational comedy, and tension, as well as affecting the plot and contributing to the overall meaning of the play. The plot of Twelfth Night is affect by the secret that Viola keeps and reveals. Viola is a lady of Messaline who has been shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria. Believing her brother Sebastian is dead, she wants to start a new life in Illyria, but the court of Lady Olivia is not accepting any new members because Lady Olivia is in mourning after her father and brother have died. In order to join the court of Duke Orsino, Viola must disguise herself as a boy named Cesario. Orsino accepts â€Å"Cesario† into his court and from that point on, secrecy is embedded within the plot. Secrecy is necessary because she cannot be revealed as a woman for several reasons. Viola becomes close with Orsino, which causes her to fall in love with him, but since she has become so close to him, Orsino trusts â€Å"her† and sends â€Å"Cesario† to Lady Olivia’s house to try to convince her to accept his love. Even though Olivia has sworn off love, as soon as she meets Cesario she falls for him because he knows all the charming things to say to her. Since Cesario is actually Viola, the swooning words she says to Olivia is what Viola would want to hear if a man were confessing his love to her. Cesario says to Olivia, â€Å"Make me a willow cabin at your gate/ And call upon my soul within the house,/ Write loyal cantons of contemned love,/ And sing them loud even in the dead of night// Hallow your name to the reverberate hills/ And make the babbling gossip of the air/ Cry out ‘Olivia! ’ O, you should not rest/ Between the elements of air and earth/ But you should pity me† (43). This speech is what Viola would want to hear if she was being pursued by a man, which is why Olivia falls for Cesario. This complicates the plot because now Olivia is in love with Cesario who is actually Viola which creates a sense of situational comedy and irony. This secret not only affects the plot, but it contributes to the overall theme of the play, love or the lack of. Olivia is not actually in love with Cesario and neither is Orsino with Olivia, they are both in love with the idea or concept of love. On the other hand, Viola is truly in love with Orsino, which is revealed to the audience when Cesario is discussing love with Orsino; Cesario says, â€Å"Sooth, but you must. / Say that some lady, as perhaps there is,/ Hath for your love as great a pang of heart/ As you have for Olivia. You cannot lover her:/ You tell her so. Must she not them be answered† (73)? Viola, disguised as Cesario, is speaking about herself which creates tension and irony for the audience. Viola’s secret keeps her from openly loving Orsino and causes Olivia to be in love with Cesario. Viola’s brother, Sebastian, who is in fact not dead, represents two motifs in the play: mistaken identity and things are not what they appear to be. Sebastian is saved by Antonio, a man whose tenderness towards Sebastian turns into love. Sebastian travels to Illyria, not knowing that Viola is alive and living there. Viola and Sebastian look very much alike, and now that Viola is impersonating a boy, they look identical. Sebastian is mistaken for Cesario by Olivia, which gives him two identities. Olivia begs â€Å"Cesario† to marry her and Sebastian seeing that Olivia was pretty and wealthy, accepts her proposal. Sebastian says to himself, â€Å"Yet doth this accident and flood of fortune/ So far exceed all instance, all discourse,/ That I am ready to distrust mine eyes/ And wrangle with my reason that persuades me/ To any other trust but that I am mad-/ Or else the lady’s mad† (155). Sebastian’s situation represents mistaken identity and that things do not appear to be what they seem. Viola’s secret further complicates the plot; now Olivia believes she is married to Cesario who is actually Sebastian. Also this news infuriates Orsino who is in â€Å"love† with Olivia and causes major problems between Orsino and Cesario; Orsino says to Cesario, â€Å"O thou dissembling cub! What wilt thou be/ When time hath sowed a grizzle on thy case? / Or will not else thy craft so quickly grow/ That thine own trip shall be tine overthrow? / Farwell, and take her, but direct thy feet/ Where thou and I henceforth may never meet† (173). Viola is heartbroken by Orsino’s speech because she is genuinely in love with him and she is not the one who married Olivia. Olivia mistaking Sebastian for Cesario, proves that she does not really love Cesario, she is in love with idea of love which is the overriding theme of the play. Identities and disguises are created by secrecy in the play. Viola’s and Sebastian’s true identities are revealed when she finds herself face to face with her brother Sebastian. Malvolio, another character in the play whose identity is lost due to secrecy, regains his identity by the end of of the play. Viola’s necessity for secrecy leads to her choice of keeping the secret for most the play. Her secret complicates the plot, and develops irony and situational comedy throughout the play. Her secret did allow her to achieve her goal of joining Orsino’s court and starting a new life, but her revealing the secret allowed her and Orsino to be together. Viola’s secret contributed to the meaning of the play, that love is not always what it appears to be, sometimes love has two identities. Love can be just falling in love with the idea of the emotion or the real thing.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ar 670-1 – Essay 5

?AR 670-1 There are many army regulations dealing with the army but the one that I am going to talk about today is army regulation 670-1. What is army regulation 670-1 covering in the United states army? Army Regulation 670-1 deals with the wear and appearance of military uniforms for my paper I will recite the way a person is supposed to wear their uniform in army text and then tell you what it means in my own words. Starting with the parts that deals with the reason I am writing this report right now. AR 670-1 starts off with Part 1 which is General information and responsibilities. Part one is made up of 19 sections they are listed as followed: †¢1–1. Purpose †¢1–2. References †¢1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms †¢1–4. General †¢1–5. How to recommend changes to Army uniforms †¢1–6. Classification of service and utility or field uniforms †¢1–7. Personal appearance policies †¢1–8. Hair and fingernail standards and grooming policies †¢1–9. Uniform appearance and fit †¢1–10. When the wear of the Army uniform is required or prohibited †¢1–11. Uniformity of material †¢1–12. Distinctive uniforms and uniform items †¢1–13. Wear of civilian clothing †¢1–14. Wear of jewelry †¢1–15. Wear of eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses 1–16. Wear of identification tags and security badges †¢1–17. Wear of personal protective or reflective clothing †¢1–18. Wear of organizational protective or reflective clothing †¢1–19. Restrictions on the purchase, possession, and reproduction of heraldic items Being that I am a female in the united states army not all of the regulation applies to me. For instance I am not a guy so I don't have to worry about how to keep my mustache trimmed or well groomed but that doesn't mean that I should not know these things because when I do become an NCO I will have soldiers that are male that I need to keep squared away. But since I am writing this paper on myself and AR 670-1 I will us write the stuff that relates to my punishment and to me. Starting with 1-1. 1-1 is written as follows: 1–1. Purpose This regulation prescribes the authorization for wear, composition, and classification of uniforms, and the occasions for wearing all personal (clothing bag issue), optional, and commonly worn organizational Army uniforms. It also prescribes the awards, insignia, and accouterments authorized for wear on the uniform, and how these items are worn. General information is also provided on the authorized material, design, and uniform quality control system. This paragraph named purpose states that AR 670-1 tells you the way you should wear, put together, and how the uniform should look when you have it on. It goes on to say that the way that the army or the unit wears their uniform should not be changed but put together in an organized group. It also talks about awards, insignia,and what is allowed whe n it comes to the material used the way the uniform is designed and how they should be worn at all times. With the soldiers in the same uniform the army has system control. The next section 1-2 is written as followed: 1–2. References Required and related publications are listed in appendix A. In this section of AR 670-1 it just tells us that if we need to see the publications that they are listed in the back of the book. The next section to look at is 1-3: 1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary. ?This section states that all abbreviated items throughout AR 670-1 will be in the back of the glossary. 1–4. General a. Only uniforms, accessories, and insignia prescribed in this regulation or in the common tables of allowance (CTA), or as approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), will be worn by personnel in the US Army. Unless specified in this regulation, the commander issuing the clothing and equipment will establish wear policies for organizational clothing and equipment. No item governed by this regulation will be altered in any way that changes the basic design or the intended concept of fit as described in TM 10–227 and AR 700–84, including plating, smoothing, or removing detail features of metal items, or otherwise altering the color or appearance. All illustrations in this regulation should coincide with the text. The written description will control any inconsistencies between the text and the illustration. b. AR 70–1 prescribes Department of the Army (DA) policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures by which all clothing and individual equipment used by Army personnel are initiated, designed, developed, tested, approved, fielded, and modified. c. AR 385–10 prescribes DA policies, responsibilities, and administrative procedures and funding for protective clothing and equipment. d. In accordance with chapter 45, section 771, title 10, United States Code (10 USC 771), no person except a member of the US Army may wear the uniform, or a distinctive part of the uniform of the US Army unless otherwise authorized by law. Additionally, no person except a member of the US Army may wear a uniform, any part of which is similar to a distinctive part of the US Army uniform. This includes the distinctive uniforms and uniform items listed in paragraph 1–12 of this regulation. Further, soldiers are not authorized to wear distinctive uniforms or uniform items of the US Army or of other US Services with, or on civilian clothes, except as provided in chapters 27 through 30 of this regulation. This part states that only uniforms that are authorized by the CTA and HQDA will be allowed to be worn by the units in that military. But at the same time the commander that authorizes your clothing can tell you what to wear and what not to wear on it. For instance, when we were down range and the battalion commander told us that we we only allowed to wear the 172nd patch so we could be in unison and so that people could know who we deployed with he had the right to do that. But the commander could not go out of the regulations of AR 670-1. So if the commander decided to change the design of the flight vest because it looks cool and it is the way he wanted to look hat is against AR670-1 the commander can only add to the regulation but cannot take away from it. This section also states that only a person from The united sates army can wear the uniform that the military issues out. This section is stating that if I have a uniform and I don't want it and my brother does I cannot give it to him because it is property of the united states army and he is not. Also if I have a pair of ACU trousers and the knees are worn i n them I am not allowed to cut them off and wear them as civilian attire. 1–5. How to recommend changes to Army uniforms a. Army Ideas For Excellence Program (AIEP). If a major Army command (MACOM) recommends approval of an AIEP suggestion, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Project Manager-Soldier Systems (SEQ), Bldg. 328, 5901 Putnam Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060–5852, for consideration. Each suggestion forwarded to the project manager will reflect the MACOM position; contain all appropriate supporting documentation; and be signed by the commander, deputy commander, chief of staff, or comparable level official. Suggestions not recommended for adoption at any level will not be forwarded to PM-Soldier. Suggestions forwarded without a MACOM position will be returned to the MACOM for action. b. General comments and suggestions. Comments and suggestions regarding the policy, criteria, and administrative instructions concerning individual military decorations, the Good Conduct Medal, service medals and service ribbons, combat and special skill badges and tabs, and unit decorations will be processed in accordance with AR 600–8–22. This section talks about how to go about making changes to an army uniform. The only ways you can go about making changes to the uniform is if a major Army command entrust approval of the change suggested. Then it will then go to the project manager-soldier system to get looked at to see if they will consider the change. They will then get all documents or paperwork that supports the reason they recommended the change. But if it was not recommended on any level of the chain then to the PM-Soldier. The second part of 1-5 talks about General comments and suggestions regarding policy, criteria, and administrative instructions concerning ertain people such as the good conduct medal, service medals and ribbons, combat badges and special skill badges and tabs and unit decorations but they will be worn only by and in a manner that comply with the rules standards or laws of army regulation 600-8-22. 1–6. Classification of service and utility or field uniforms a. The male class A service uniform consists of the Army green (AG) coat and trousers, a short-or lon g-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt with a black four-in-hand tie, and other authorized accessories. b. The male class B service uniform is the same as class A, except the service coat is not worn. The black four-in-hand tie is required with the long-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt when the long-sleeved shirt is worn without the class A coat, as an outer garment; the tie is optional with the short-sleeved shirt. c. The female class A service uniform consists of the Army green coat and skirt or slacks, a short-or long-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt with a black neck tab, and other authorized accessories. The Army green maternity uniform (slacks or skirt) is also classified as a class A service uniform when the tunic is worn. When the tunic is worn, females will wear the neck tab with both the short- and long-sleeved maternity shirts. d. The female class B service uniform is the same as the class A, except that neither the service coat nor the maternity tunic are worn. The black neck tab is required only when wearing the long-sleeved AG shade 415 shirt or the long-sleeved maternity shirt without the class A coat or tunic; the neck tab is optional with the short-sleeved version of both shirts. e. Class C uniforms are the utility, field, hospital duty, food service, and other organizational uniforms. F. See the table of prescribed dress in appendix B. This section talks about the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics of service and utility field uniforms. But since I am a female I will only break down the portion that relates to me. So with that said I will break down sections C, D, and E. Section C talks about the class A's service uniforms. The service class a uniforms for females have the Army green coat and skirt or pants. Short and long sleeve light green shirts and a tunic which is a neck piece is worn. The female just like the males also have class B service uniforms. The class A's and the class B's don't really differ from each other. The only difference is that the female wears the tunic or neck piece with the long sleeve or short sleeve maternity shirts without the jacket or coat to go with it. Another difference is that with the class B's the neck tab is only worn with the long sleeve shirt and not the short sleeve one. And last the class C uniform is the uniform that you wear on a daily basis for work. Whether it is the utility, field, hospital duty, food service, and other uniforms that is used by the unit. –7. Personal appearance policies a. General. The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by all soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and esp rit essential to an effective military force. A vital ingredient of the Army’s strength and military effectiveness is the pride and self-discipline that American soldiers bring to their Service through a conservative military image. It is the responsibility of commanders to ensure that military personnel under their command present a neat and soldierly appearance. Therefore, in the absence of specific procedures or guidelines, commanders must determine a soldier’s compliance with standards in this regulation. Soldiers must take pride in their appearance at all times, in or out of uniform, on and off duty. Pride in appearance includes soldiers’ physical fitness and adherence to acceptable weight standards, in accordance with AR 600–9. b. Exceptions to appearance standards based on religious practices. 1) As provided by AR 600–20, paragraph 5–6, and subject to temporary revocation because of health, safety, or mission requirements, the following applies to the wear of religious apparel, articles, or jewelry. The term â€Å"religious apparel† is defined as articles of clothing worn as part of the observance of the religious faith practiced by the soldier. Religious articles include, but are not limited to, medallions, small booklets, pictures, or copies of religious symbols or writing carried by the individual in wallets or pockets. Except as noted below, personnel may not wear religious items if they do not meet the standards of this regulation, and requests for accommodation will not be entertained (see AR 600–20, para 5–6g(2)(d)). (a) Soldiers may wear religious apparel, articles, or jewelry with the uniform, to include the physical fitness uniform, if they are neat, conservative, and discreet. â€Å"Neat conservative, and discreet† is defined as meeting the uniform criteria of this regulation. In other words, when religious jewelry is worn, the uniform must meet the same standards of wear as if the religious jewelry were not worn. For example, a religious item worn on a chain may not be visible when worn with the utility, service, dress, or mess uniforms. When worn with the physical fitness uniform, the item should be no more visible than identification (ID) tags would be in the same uniform. The width of chains worn with religious items should be approximately the same size as the width of the ID tag chain. (b) Soldiers may not wear these items when doing so would interfere with the performance of their duties or present a safety concern. Soldiers may not be prohibited, however, from wearing religious apparel, articles, or jewelry meeting the criteria of this regulation simply because they are religious in nature, if wear is permitted of similar items of a nonreligious nature. A specific example would be wearing a ring with a religious symbol. If the ring meets the uniform standards for jewelry and is not worn in a work area where rings are prohibited because of safety concerns, then wear is allowed and may not be prohibited simply because the ring bears a religious symbol. c) During a worship service, rite, or ritual, soldiers may wear visible or apparent religious articles, symbols, jewelry, and apparel that do not meet normal uniform standards. Commanders, however, may place reasonable limits on the wear of non-subdued items of religious apparel during worship services, rites, or rituals conducted in the field for operational or safety reasons. When soldiers in uniform wear visible religious articles on such occasi ons, they must ensure that these articles are not permanently affixed or appended to any prescribed article of the uniform. d) Chaplains may wear religious attire as described in this regulation, CTA 50–909, and AR 165–1 in the performance of religious services and other official duties, as required. Commanders may not prohibit chaplains from wearing religious symbols that are part of the chaplain’s duty uniform. (See AR 600–20, para 5–6g(7). ) (2) Soldiers may wear religious headgear while in uniform if the headgear meets the following criteria. (a) It must be subdued in color (black, brown, green, dark or navy blue, or a combination of these colors). b) It must be of a style and size that can be completely covered by standard military headgear, and it cannot interfere with the proper wear or functioning of protective clothing or equipment. (c) The headgear cannot bear any writing, symbols, or pictures. (d) Personnel will not wear religious headge ar in place of military headgear when military headgear is required (Outdoors, or indoors when required for duties or ceremonies). (3) Personal grooming. Hair and grooming practices are governed by paragraph 1–8 of this regulation, and exceptions or accommodations based on religious practices will not be granted. As an exception, policy exceptions based on religious practice given to soldiers in accordance with AR 600–20 on or prior to 1 January 1986 remain in effect as long as the soldier remains otherwise qualified for retention. 1-7 is the way a person dresses in their uniform. Its their personal appearance. this section states that the army is judge based on the amount of discipline the manner and the way a soldier wears his or her owned uniform. And by the way a soldier looks in their uniform or their personal appearance. This is why a soldier should take pride in the way they look every morning. o matter how bad they feels when they are getting dressed in the morning. A soldier should always have on a clean uniform on and conducts good personal hygiene. Their uniform should not be hanging off of them or too tight. their hair should remain neatly done for females and for males should always be cut to standards. But that isn't the only thing that a female and males have to maintain in the united states military. Males and females have to maintain their weight at all times. Soldiers should always maintain a well groomed appearance because they never know who is watching them. Soldiers should maintain their military appearance whether they are in or out of uniform. When a soldier maintains their physical appearance and takes pride in the way that they look it not only makes them feel better about themselves as a soldier but it also shows that they take pride in their unit and also show the self discipline that was embedded in them. The commanders job is to make sure that as a soldier it is they have a neat and presentable appearance at all time. Soldiers can also wear jewelry but only under certain terms and conditions such as if it is a part of their religious beliefs. Religious apparel for the army is listed as such medallions, small booklets such as bibles, pictures, or copies of religious symbols or writing carried by the individual in wallets or pockets such as verses from a bible, or hyms from a religious song book and etc. but if the jewelry or religious items do not meet the standards of the army regulations they can not wear them. Take me for example, i work on weapons and say if i have a ring on that had a cross on it i could not wear it because with my job if i was to work on a weapon with the ring on and the ring gets snagged on the bolt of a 50 cal. s i go to charge it and i release the handle from the ring being snagged on the handle when i let go of it my finger could be ripped off. Any religious apparel that when worn can put your life at harm or threaten your ability to work can not be worn in the uniform according to the army regulation. Another example of an improper religious apparel that cannot be worn while in uniform is t-shir ts. Say that I have this t-shirt that has a picture of god on it and I wear it every sunday to church I would not be able to wear it in uniform because it could make my uniform look bulky and stick out. The shirt could stick out over or away from under my ACU top. It could make my uniform a little more form fitting then it should be and it would look bad on the unit if I was to present myself in public like that. So us to show you a couple of examples of why not all religious apparel cannot be worn in military uniform. Another thing to add to the the wear of jewelry in the united states military and it also includes the physical fitness uniform is if they are neat, conservative, and discreet. Meaning dressing the way that the army regulation wants you to dress. There are yet some jewelry that you can not wear while you are in the army such as stomach piercings also known as abdomen piercings, nipple piercings, ear piercings while you are in uniform and if you are a guy no piercings in your ear at all, facial piercings such as lip rings, tongue rings, noise rings, no piercings that start from the bottom of your ear and go to the top of your ear if you are a female you are only allowed to have one hole in your ear and thats it. 1–8. Hair and fingernail standards and grooming policies a. Hair. (1) General. The requirement for hair grooming standards is necessary to maintain uniformity within a military population. Many hairstyles are acceptable, as long as they are neat and conservative. It is not possible to address every acceptable hairstyle, or what constitutes eccentric or conservative grooming. Therefore, it is the responsibility of leaders at all levels to exercise good judgment in the enforcement of Army policy. All soldiers will comply with the hair, fingernail, and grooming policies while in any military uniform or while in civilian clothes on duty. a) Leaders will judge the appropriateness of a particular hairstyle by the appearance of headgear when worn. Soldiers will wear headgear as described in the applicable chapters of this regulation. Headgear will fit snugly and comfortably, without distortion or excessive gaps. Hairstyles that do not allow soldiers to wear the headgear properly, or that interfere with the proper wear of the protective mask or other protective equipme nt, are prohibited. (b) Extreme, eccentric, or trendy haircuts or hairstyles are not authorized. If soldiers use dyes, tints, or bleaches, they must choose those that result in natural hair colors. Colors that detract from a professional military appearance are prohibited. Therefore, soldiers should avoid using colors that result in an extreme appearance. Applied hair colors that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, purple, blue, pink, green, orange, bright (fire-engine) red, and fluorescent or neon colors. It is the responsibility of leaders to use good judgment in determining if applied colors are acceptable, based upon the overall effect on soldiers’ appearance. (c) Soldiers who have a texture of hair that does not part naturally may cut a part into the hair. The part will be one straight line, not slanted or curved, and will fall in the area where the soldier would normally part the hair. Soldiers will not cut designs into their hair or scalp. (2) Male haircuts will conform to the following standards. (a) The hair on top of the head must be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair may not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. The hair must present a tapered appearance. A tapered appearance is one where the outline of the soldier’s hair conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point at the base of the neck. When the hair is combed, it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. The block-cut fullness in the back is permitted to a moderate degree, as long as the tapered look is maintained. In all cases, the bulk or length of hair may not interfere with the normal wear of headgear (see para 1–8a(1)(a), above) or protective masks or equipment. Males are not authorized to wear braids, cornrows, or dreadlocks (unkempt, twisted, matted, individual parts of hair) while in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty. Hair that is clipped closely or shaved to the scalp is authorized. b) Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may not be flared; the base of the sideburn will be a clean-shaven, horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. (c) Males will keep their face clean-shaven when in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty. Mustaches are permitted; if worn, males will keep mustaches neatly trimmed, tapered, and tidy. Mustaches will not present a chopped off or bushy appearance, and no portion of the mustache will cover the upper lip line or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corners of the mouth (see figure 1–1). Handlebar mustaches, goatees, and beards are not authorized. If appropriate medical authority prescribes beard growth, the length required for medical treatment must be specified. For example, â€Å"The length of the beard will not exceed 1? 4 inch† (see TB MED 287). Soldiers will keep the growth trimmed to the level specified by appropriate medical authority, but they are not authorized to shape the growth into goatees, or â€Å"Fu Manchu† or handlebar mustaches. d) Males are prohibited from wearing wigs or hairpieces while in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty, except to cover natural baldness or physical disfiguration caused by accident or medical procedure. When worn, wigs or hairpieces will conform to the standard haircut criteria as stated in 1–8a(2)(a), above. (3) Female haircuts will conform to the following standards. (a) Females will ensure their hair is neatly groomed, that the length and bulk of the hair are not excessive, and that the hair does n ot present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Likewise, trendy styles that result in shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline) or designs cut into the hair are prohibited. Females may wear braids and cornrows as long as the braided style is conservative, the braids and cornrows lie snugly on the head, and any hair-holding devices comply with the standards in 1–8a(3)(d) below. Dreadlocks (unkempt, twisted, matted individual parts of hair) are prohibited in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the bottom edge of the collar at any time uring normal activity or when standing in formation. Long hair that falls naturally below the bottom edge of the collar, to include braids, will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned, Section 1-8 basically is explains the way a male and females nails hair make-up and facial hair should be. For a female their hair cannot touch their collar and can be only one color. And that one color that they have can only be a na tural color such as blonde, brown, and auburn color which is a reddish color and black. Any other color that isn't any one of those colors are not authorized in the united states army. Make-up for a girl can only be a natural color. Like the color of their skin or if it looks natural the female soldier is allowed to wear it. But some exceptions are made for females when it comes to their ma-up. For instance a female can have eyeliner on if it is a permeant thing so if a female went to the tattoo polar and got black ink tattooed on her in the place of eyeliner it is excepted in the army as long as it looks presentable. Nails on a female cannot have an off the wall color her nails can only be a natural color such as white manicured nails or clear as long as it looks natural. Also A females nails can only be a fourth of an inch long past the tip of her finger tips. The last section I am going to do is paragraph 1-14. Paragraph 1-14 reads as follows according to the army regulations 670-1: 1–14. Wear of jewelry a. Soldiers may wear a wristwatch, a wrist identification bracelet, and a total of two rings (a wedding set is considered one ring) with Army uniforms, unless prohibited by the commander for safety or health reasons. Any jewelry soldiers wear must be conservative and in good taste. Identification bracelets are limited to medical alert bracelets and MIA/POW identification bracelets. Soldiers may wear only one item on each wrist. b. No jewelry, other than that described in paragraph 1–14a, above, will appear exposed while wearing the uniform; this includes watch chains, or similar items, and pens and pencils. The only authorized exceptions are religious items described in para 1–7b, above; a conservative tie tack or tie clasp that male soldiers may wear with the black four-in-hand necktie; and a pen or pencil that may appear exposed on the hospital duty, food service, CVC, r flight uniforms. c. Body piercing. When on any Army installation or other places under Army control, soldiers may not attach, affix, or display objects, articles, jewelry, or ornamentation to or through the skin while they are in uniform, in civilian clothes on duty, or in civilian clothes off duty (this includes earrings for male soldiers). The only exception is for female sold iers, as indicated in paragraph 1–14d, below. (The term â€Å"skin† is not confined to external skin, but includes the tongue, lips, inside the mouth, and other surfaces of the body not readily visible. ) d. Females are authorized to wear prescribed earrings with the service, dress, and mess uniforms. (1) Earrings may be screw-on, clip-on, or post-type earrings, in gold, silver, white pearl, or diamond. The earrings will not exceed 6 mm or 1? 4 inch in diameter, and they must be unadorned and spherical. When worn, the earrings will fit snugly against the ear. Females may wear earrings only as a matched pair, with only one earring per ear lobe. (2) Females are not authorized to wear earrings with any class C (utility) uniform (BDU, hospital duty, food service, physical fitness, field, or organizational). 3) When on duty in civilian attire, female soldiers must comply with the specifications listed in (1) above when wearing earrings, unless otherwise authorized by the commander. When females are off duty, there are no restrictions on the wear of earrings. e. Ankle bracelets, necklaces (other than those described in para 1–7b), faddish (trendy) devices, medallions, amulets, and perso nal talismans or icons are not authorized for wear in any military uniform, or in civilian clothes on duty.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


THE IMPACT OF PRINT MEDIA ON WOMEN'S EATING BEHAVIORS - Essay Example This paper examines the role of the print media to the formulation of particular women’s behaviors regarding the food consumption. Under this context, the women’s behavior on this particular issue is not analyzed in a one-factor basis but there has been an effort to refer to the particular elements of such a behavior to the level that the retrieval of data for their performance could be possible. The study begins with a general presentation of the phenomenon, the description of its elements, the possible reasons of its existence and an analysis of its definition in accordance with the issues related with it. On the other hand, the literature is presented in order to show the existed studies and the research that has been made so far regarding the issue under examination. At a next level, the problem is approached from a practical aspect through the presentation of a research method that could be helpful to the extraction of results regarding the current situation of the problem as it appears in society. In these terms, the data gathered using the proposed method, are analyzed in order to reveal the most important elements of the issue involved whereas a control of validity regarding any information offers a secure result (at least at the most possible level). The instruments that are going to be used for the realization of the above procedure are also presented in detail followed by a thorough examination of their suitability for the specific task. As a conclusion, the personal views on the problem are used in order to identify the interaction between the two major elements under examination (i.e. women and media) trying to highlight any important assumption that would possibly need further research. When examining the behavior of a person in the context of his/ her living environment, we have to consider all the parameters that can have an influence to his way of thinking and to his

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

British Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

British Airlines - Essay Example Moreover, the board was to take control of other smaller regional airlines such as Cambrian Airways, from  Cardiff, and  Northeast Airlines, to be based at  Newcastle upon Tyne.  Later on in 1974, all the four airlines were merged to form one major airline known as British Airways (British Airways 1998; British Airways 2006a, British Airways 2006b). British Airways remained to be a parasternal until 1987 when the company was privatized by the conservative government through the sale of its shares to members of the public. The national airline later on expanded by the acquisition of British Caledonian  in 1987 and  Dan-Air, and Gatwick-based carrier, in 1992 (British Airways 1995a; British Airways 2004; Anonymous 2002; Anonymous 2011; Bannan 2007). Since its formation in 1971, the company has long been one of the largest customers of Boeing aircrafts, which are manufactured in the United States. However, beginning August 1998, the company transformed and began purchasing aircrafts from Airbus, which are manufactured in the larger European countries (British Airways 2010a; 2010b; British Airways 2010c). Their first order involved the purchase of 59 Airbus A320 family aircrafts in the same year. Later on in 2007, the aircraft bought twelve more Airbus A380s (Benady 2008; British Airways 2000a; British Airways 2004a). However, in the same year, it purchased an additional 24 Boeing 787 Dreamliner to replace its old fleet. A vital part of the British airlines planes is the 52 Boeing 747-400 which it uses both for its domestic and regional flights. This makes it the largest operator in its category in the world (British Airways 2004b; British Airways 2004c; British Airways 2003). In order for British Airways to achieve such a huge milestone, it has developed various marketing strategies that are in line with the various marketing theories. One of the major marketing tools that it uses is the SWOT

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Medical microbiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Medical microbiology - Assignment Example (ii) The most commonly used stain for the gastric biopsy for the detection of H. pylori is the modified giemsa stain. Sections of the biopsy in a patient with gastritis would show epithelial damage and a generalized decrease in the thickness of the mucus layer. Eroded areas of the stomach lining would also show the presence of white blood cells such as lymphocytes and neutrophils. A haematoxylin and eosin stain of a person with chronic gastritis would show polymorphonuclear leucocytes intruding into the lining of the mucus gland. Helicobacter pylori resides deep into the lining of the stomach wall, and as the polymorphonuclear cell cannot easily reach the site of infection, they release superoxide radicals which damages the stomach lining. A methylene blue stain of the section would stain the H. pylori bacteria blue and would present as small curve shaped, spiral bacteria in the mucus lining. (iii) 13C urea breath test is a very accurate, non-invasive, simple test that can produce results within 20 minutes. Helicobacter pylori produces urease enzyme which forms the basis of 13C urea breath test. The patient is given a non-radioactive 13C urea to drink, which is broken down into ammonia and bicarbonate by the urease enzyme in Helicobacter pylori. Bicarbonate ions dissociate into Carbon dioxide and water in the acidic environment of the stomach. The 13C isotope containing carbondioxide is absorbed into the blood stream and taken to the lungs to be expired. Readings are taken of the expired air and the results are sent to the lab for Mass correlation spectrometry to be performed and levels of 13CO2 are determined, which are synonymous with the presence of Helicobacter pylori. (iv) A triple regimen therapy is advised to the patient, which consists of a proton pump inhibitor (e.g. omeprazole) and two antibiotics (e.g. amoxicillin,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Response paper 7, chinese literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response paper 7, chinese literature - Essay Example The first two stanzas describe the stars, weather, skies, and wind with an accepting attitude. The writer knows that weather and the stars cannot be changed, so the narrator accepts the storm or calm weather as a fact of life, looking at the beauty of nature without any complaint. The unknown causes of the universe cannot be understood by the narrator, so acceptance and appreciation is the resulting attitude. After the passive description of the surroundings, the narrator states an old man’s wish to sail away. This stanza is influenced by the Zihuangzi’s thought of a man’s impassive look at life. The old man wishes to sail, but both the narrator and old man understand that is not the old man’s Dao. In return, the narrator’s suffering in the jungle is accepted as the narrator’s Dao. The trip was balanced by the acceptance of good and bad. Throughout this whole poem Zihuangzi’s thought is a main influencing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marijuana legalization in the United States Essay

Marijuana legalization in the United States - Essay Example The push to decriminalize marijuana has been going on for years. It started in the early 1970s in the region of Oregon and increased as days went by with people pushing for its use claiming it had medical uses as well as for recreational purposes. There was gradual acceptance of the substance with various states addressing the issue from various angles according to what was felt right by the law makers there. Colorado was the first one to legalize marijuana up to a certain level in 2005 after fifty four percent of the votes to determine the issue voted in favor of its legalization. The other municipals that followed include Pennsylvania in 2014, Washington DC in the same year and New York City. Many states have passed laws that are in favor of its use up to certain levels though none has been bold enough to allow it production and use at the users discretion.   The State of Oregon made the initial step in the fight to allow the use of cannabis and decriminalize it in early 1970s. T his move was faced by different opinions from various people in the government and also from the citizens who had the perception that the use of marijuana is linked with various criminal activities and the medical attributes it is given are vague and non-existent. However, lobby groups could not relent and the move was accepted in other states and in 1975 Alaska also passed a law to decriminalize it. The law was to allow possession of up to 4 ounces of the substance. This was to be in their residence.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How does technology affects literacy(ies) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How does technology affects literacy(ies) - Essay Example At least 50 per cent of the primary schools and 75 per cent of the secondary schools in the UK have installed wireless internet systems (Paton). A literate person in the present age is expected to make a positive contribution in the development of systems, and from this perspective, the use of Wi-Fi technology in schools is a must since it is a cost-effective solution to the wired technology, improves students’ academic performance, and provides freedom of movement which greatly facilitates research work and provides both the students and the teachers with a lot of flexibility, though the Wi-Fi technology is suspected to have some negative effects on health and students may misuse the time in school in playing games or social networking. Positive Effects of Wi-Fi Technology in Schools Cost-effectiveness In the contemporary educational setting, the importance of the Wi-Fi technology cannot be overemphasized. â€Å"With equipment substantially more cost-effective and flexible t han wired alternatives, Wi-Fi is suitable for the smallest schoolhouses to multiple-square-kilometer campuses† (â€Å"Wi-Fi in Schools†). Improved academic performance Many educationalists have found a very positive impact of the use of Wi-Fi in schools on the academic performance of the students. ... & Sixth Form College implemented a policy at his school according to which every student was given one laptop; a year later, they assessed its impact on the students’ academic performance He was very optimistic about the findings of the experiment: â€Å"I like to think that made a very positive impact, for the first year we got an outstanding grade from Ofsted† (Paes cited in Hall). Freedom of movement Wi-Fi provides the students as well as teachers with freedom of movement and obviates the need to be at a specific place to use the computer. â€Å"Wi-Fi compatibility provides for use at hotspots throughout the country such as cafes, coffee shops, hotels, restaurants, and universities† (Mastrian et al.). This benefit is of extreme importance in the research work since students have to visit all such places to collect the data and correspond with the tutors. Negative Effects of Use of Wi-Fi Technology in School Health Risks Some teachers are concerned about the po tential health risks that might be caused by the use of wireless computer networks in the schools. One case has particularly caught their attention in which Wi-Fi is suspected to be a cause of health issues experienced by a classics teacher Michael Bevington at the Stowe School of Buckinghamshire, who â€Å"had never had any problems before the Wi-Fi. When it was put into his classroom, he suffered nausea, blinding headaches and a lack of concentration. When the school removed the Wi-Fi his condition improved† (BBC News). Experts have expressed that the location of the Wi-Fi device matters a lot. The suspected health risks can still be avoided if the Wi-Fi device is placed at a location that is at a considerable height rather than just over the desk. Misuse of time â€Å"Cell phones traditionally have a bad

Profitability ratios in financial ratio analysis Essay

Profitability ratios in financial ratio analysis - Essay Example Ratio Analysis is a popular technique which helps in analysing a company’s performance over a given period of time.Although this technique has some limitations, it is broadly used around the world in analysing the performance of different organisationsAs per the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet, the company seems to be a very good profitable organisation but a mere look upon these two financial statements do not give a decisive position about a company’s performance, hence proper analysis needs to be done. Ratio Analysis is one of the popular technique which helps in analysing a company’s performance over a given period of time. Although this technique has some limitations, it is broadly used around the world in analysing the performance of different organisations around the world. The performance of Uffington Plc is analysed by using the ratio analysis technique. The ratio analysis uses different types of ratio which are based upon different aspects of per formance in a company and finally a company’s performance is evaluated under all those different ratios.â€Å"Profitability ratios show a company's overall efficiency and performance. We can divide profitability ratios into two types: margins and returns. Ratios that show margins represent the firm's ability to translate sales pounds into profits at various stages of measurement. Ratios that show returns represent the firm's ability to measure the overall efficiency of the firm in generating returns for its shareholders† ( The ratio analysis uses different types of ratio which are based upon different aspects of performance in a company and finally a company’s performance is evaluated under all those different ratios. â€Å"Profitability ratios show a company's overall efficiency and performance. We can divide profitability ratios into two types: margins and returns. Ratios that show margins represent the firm's ability to translate sales pounds into profits at various stages of measurement. Ratios that show returns represent the firm's ability to measure the overall efficiency of the firm in generating returns for its shareholders† ( Gross Profit Margin ratio is a profitability ratio which reveals the amount of gross profit as a percentage of the sales revenue. Uffington plc’s Gross Profit Margin has improved from 30% in 2008 to 35% in 2009. This indicates that the company has improved its performance during the year 2009 but if these results are compared with the indus try average trends for Uffington plc, the company has not performed although the company is trying to achieve the industry average gross profit margin of 50%. Uffington plc would need to increase its revenue or cut its costs dramatically to reach the industry average gross profit margin of 50%. Liquidity ratios are a measure of ascertaining the day to day running of a company; it is merely a measure of ascertaining a company’s ability to pay off its obligations as they fall due. These obligations are generally the current liabilities and these current liabilities can be met by having appropriate current assets. The current ratio is a measure that analyses a company’s ability to pay off its current liabilities by negotiating its current assets. Uffington plc

Friday, August 23, 2019

Choking - airway blockage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Choking - airway blockage - Essay Example One evening, while he was eating his evening snack of milk and cookies, he started coughing with difficulties. His strenuous cough raised the alarm to the caregiver who immediately tried to perform Heimlich maneuver in order to restore the condition, but the aged man did not respond. The man later died after some minutes. Despite the effort of the caregiver, it is evident that man died due to lack of supervision from the caregiver while he was eating (Cuomo, 2012). Dysphagia and aspiration problems increase with age and therefore old people are the most at risk of choking (Bronwyn, 2002). Some of the risk factors associated with aspiration include muscles weakness while chewing and swallowing, seizure disorder, eating too fast, lack of proper eating position, and absent or decreased gag reflex. However, there are precautions that can be followed to reduce the risk of choking or aspiration. Some of them include avoiding excessive sedation, feeding on small amounts of food, allowing rest period before meals, and use of thickened liquids such as nectars. Choking can also be prevented through feeding while upright and putting food on unaffected strong side for stroke

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Technology and Innovation Essay Example for Free

Technology and Innovation Essay According to Sakiki Fukada-Parr the prominent author of a UNDP report on technology and development suggests, electronic communications help make societies less hierarchical. He quotes no one can see the cut of your suit, and no secretary blocks your path to the ministers office. Junior employees who would never have dared knock on a chief executives door might send him an idea electronically. (The Economist (US), Nov 10, 2001) Cetron Davies, [2001]) believes businesses have come to rely on technology for increased production efficiency and more appropriate communication operations. Competition is mounting in the business world and organisations must take advantage of the latest technology in order to improve their business functions. Organisations must change the way they act, think and operate internally as their work environment becomes more technologically advanced. All businesses across the world have sufficient communications tools that make global management much easier. Devices such as e-mail, fax machines and satellite communication are all tools that enable managers to communicate at an extremely high pace. (Heiko [1989]) suggests that technology implementation will be heavily influenced by cultural factors, such as technological advances between foreign operations. He observed that Just-In-Time approach of inventory management has been favourably received in Japan, leading to considerable savings. However, this is not the case in other countries and believes this is down to unique cultural conditions in Japan such as concern for space, and a deep group oriented devotion to duty, all of which match the requirements of (JIT ) techniques. In conclusion (Heiko [1989]) states that the Japanese culture can provide a environment where JIT techniques can expand and develop. (Klien and Ralls, 1995) adds that the more complexity facing an organisation, concerning culture, the less willing the orgainisation is to implement technology on a wider basis. This may lead to greater opportunity costs by not adopting the latest techniques across various units, for fear that the results are uneven. Although global firms can benefit from global efficiencies, it is not always appropriate where technology is concerned. Nike for instance has a plant in Indonesia where labour costs are low and have access to better distribution channels and production costs are also low. (Samli, [1985]) argues that although there are benefits, consideration has to be given to the fact that labour skills are extremely low and training of employees will have to occur in order for them to do their job. On the other hand (Dougherty [1995]) suggests that the exchange of technology across national borders is essential. Ford not only transfers technology to foreign countries but also tries to learn from locals. The exchange of expertise and information among people from around the world assists in broadening perspectives and also assists research and development in transferring information between divisions successfully. This increases the key mass in RD so that organisations are able to attract better people. Innovation enables organisation to improve the quality of their output, enter new markets, try out new technologies and develop alternative applications for existing product categories. For organisations must adapt to changing competition, markets, and technologies.(Dougherty [1996]) (Venkatraman, MacMillian and McGrath, [1992]; Shane [1995]) suggest that innovation within global organisations may be hampered by cultural barriers. It is important not to block innovation by organisational rules or routines. Based on findings from Hofstedes cultural indices they suggest that cultural barriers may slow down transfer from one unit to another in a multinational organisation (Cox,[1991] argues that using cultural heterogeneity leads to greater innovation and more efficient marketing strategies for the different types of customers worldwide. He also suggests that because employees come from different backgrounds different perspectives are achieved, therefore creating improvements. (Mejia Palich, [1997]) also argue that heterogeneous teams function better than homogenous ones because of cultural differences learning experiences. On the other hand (Keller and Chinta [1990]; Snodgrass and Sekaran [1989]) argue that expertise and technical know-how are more difficult to develop when differences in cultural backgrounds exist. They state that this plays a major role in the transfer of technology between business units. [Empirical research by Davidson and McFetridge [1985]) also supports this belief that cultural relatedness enhances the flow of technological know how and the sharing among business units of a global organisation. MARKETING According to (Barlett [1996]; Beamish, Killing, Lecraw and Morrison [1994]) they are all in agreement that distinct consumer preferences will emerge due to cultural differences. This is expected to lead to the requirement of customisation of the marketing mix and product strategies. This suggests that production in one country may not suit production in another. High Uncertainty Avoidance Countries like to buy reliable, predictable goods. In addition to this, although there are divisions (Takeuchei Porter 1986) believe culturally related countries such as (America Canada) can more successfully share market activities and knowledge than those in culturally unrelated countries such as (America India). With the capacity to cross-sell products in culturally related markets, which reduces information gathering expenses and the uncertainty linked with targeting markets that are totally unrelated. Culturally related countries may find it beneficial to share knowledge regarding market research, sales forces service networks, distribution and advertising, therefore lowering costs. However, (Alder, P [1987]) argues that this kind of sharing is a lot more demanding, suggesting that the differences are not just language but that it is a matter of values, mind set and market reactions Take for instance the advertising campaign concerning the Marlboro Man. This campaign suited America as society is seen as individualist according to (Hofstede 1984). On the other hand, this campaign was a failure in Columbia because society is seen as Collectivist This now leads on the issue of marketing standardisation. This issue has been defined by (Banerjee, [1994]} as the determination of common communication objectives and budget whereas (Wills Ryan, [1997]) includes in there definition creative and media decisions involving the whole corporation. The issues of marketing standardisation and global marketing have usually been considered in terms of the reliability of the marketing mix elements for a company that enters numerous international markets. Since the 1960s, standardisation of international marketing strategy has been the focus of many studies (Elinder, [1961]; Buzzell, 1968; Jain, [1989]), It is still unclear however, whether it is done for the savings linked with standardisation or for the maximisation of the firms products, but the underlying principle of standardisation is to maintain a global image. Rau Preble, [1987] has carried out considerable research on this topic. Multinational Corporations are faced with difficulties when deciding standardisation of advertising across different countries. (Boddewyn, [1991]; Jain, [1989]). According to (Solberg, [2000]) there are two important organisational factors that relate to the degree of standardisation in international markets. Firstly, market knowledge at the level of headquarters (HQ) of local market conditions and secondly HQs control of subsidiaries i.e. (Influence on their marketing decisions). In addition (Martenson, [1987]; Rau Preble, [1987]; Tai Wong, [1998] suggested that MNCs needed to have a certain degree of control over their subsidiaries in order to implement decisions. (Hite Frazer, [1998]) state that, MNCs with a well-known and global image i.e. (Coca cola) tend to apply more control over their subsidiaries in order to maintain the image of the corporation or product (Hill James, [1990]) especially if perceptions of consumers are similar across countries. (Britt, [1974], Jain, [1989]). However, in the case of Matsushita in the electronic industry this was not the case as each subsidiary had a separate identity, which resulted in major success. This then leads on to market development. (Jain, [1989]; Duncan Ramaprasad, [1995]) suggest if similar levels of market development are achieved in both home and host countries marketing standardisation would favour MNCs. However, this would depend on the competitive positions in home and host countries of the MNC. Higher degrees of marketing standardisation may be adapted (Jain, [1989]; Henzler Rall, [1986]) if similarities prevailed in the competitive context that would allow HQs to make easier decisio ns regarding competition and to enhance control over the subsidiary and to adopt more beneficial standardisation strategies. (Doz and Prahalad, [1984] Michell Bright, [1995]). STAFFING AND TRAINING As multinational firms globalise they must learn to co-ordinate efforts among an increasingly culturally diverse workforce and environment. Nowadays people tend to be very defensive of their cultural identity and caution by others has to be taken so that insult is not caused. Through the years success of Japanese organisations global strategies has encouraged American firms. Although many point out the advantages, cultural diversity may leads to conflict, misunderstanding and lack of cohesion. Organisations are becoming more alert of the importance of diversity to their business activities and acknowledge that by recruiting, promoting and training a diverse range of individuals in the long-term are a major asset to the organisation in reaching out to their customers. (Tung, [1993]) states that cross cultural training process, helps in the development of building relations between individuals or groups, especially individuals/groups with diverse cultural backgrounds. (Welch [1998]) defines cultural training as any form of guided experience helping people to live and work more contentedly in another culture. Such training encourages understanding about differences and acceptance of the multicultural work environment and helps create and retain effective work teams and expertise in dealing with multicultural management (Hartenian, [2000]) describes the multi-cultural workforce as a workforce that excludes no one, from top-level management to low-level employees. He sees the multi-cultural workforce has one of the main opportunities for an organisation. Take for instance the IBM perspective. IBM have established research labs around the world because the issue of a globally diverse workforce is of the highest importance. This in turn allows the organisaton to gather ideas from people who experience different economies and cultures Although multi-cultural workforces are beneficial to organisations in relation to performance and profitability, they can be very hard to manage. According to (Hill, [92]) the key to managing multi-cultural workforces is the realisation that majority and minority cultures do not always share experiences. To solve this managers can adapt different strategies such as: developing programmes that promote awareness of different cultures, recognise common links among different ethnic groups and express concerns and confusions. (Hill [1992]) believes that if organisations use these strategies, economic benefits will be reaped. This may be easier said than done, (Harisis Kleiner, [1993]) argue that the implementation of such workforces are extremely difficult. They say that not only within American society and businesses but on a world wide scale there are widespread barriers. Such barriers include unwritten rules and double standards for success which are often unknown to women and minorit ies, stereotypes and their associated assumptions and lack of communication about differences. In global organisations it is essential that effective cross cultural training occurs in order to help individuals obtain both the knowledge and the tools needed to reduce misunderstandings and improper actions (Black Mendenhall [1990]) suggest that multi-cultural training provides individuals with greater self confidence and decreased narrow-mindedness about people from diverse cultures. In addition (Barlett and Ghoshal [1990]) also pointed out that establishing a multicultural training programme improved the companys ability to operate more efficiently in different cultural environments. Although many multicultural training programmes are undertaken to enhance cultural diversity they are not always successful. According to (Woods [1992]) a systematic approach should be taken towards training. (Woods [1992]) established a four step cycle: Firstly was to specify certain job task of individuals and assess the needs of the corporate culture. Secondly is the identification of training objectives. Thirdly was the establishment of the proper training content in which the following was used; sensitivity training, cultural awareness and orientation programs. In addition (Cox, [1993]; Gamio Sneed, [1992]; Tung, [1993]) introduced the communication competency program. In the final stage (Milkovich Boudreau [1991]) stated that training programs need to verify whether the training is successful in junior members of staffs performances at work. The cycle used was concerned with the effectiveness of the training, however, (Mendenhall Oddou [1986[ Tung [1981]) found factors that deterred individuals. These included lack of specialised trainers, cost and perceived lack of usefulness. Research carried out by (Gamio Sneed [1992]) found that the deterrence factors are of major importance. Take for instance the catering industry. Mangers in restaurants may blame high staff turnover rates on lack of multi-cultural training, therefore using these rates as the reason to ignore the need for training programs. (Jackson [1991]) believes that heterogeneity among team members contributes to high turnover rates within organisations. Researchers may find that the relationship between cultural diversity and staff turnover is of major importance to all organisations. According to (Kossek Lobel [1996]) the topic of diversity has raised considerable attention over the past decade and is a must for all businesses. In todays business world global leadership is critical not only for global strategies but for ensuring cultural diversity, which involves in depth knowledge from business ethics to cultural motivatiors. Organisations are going global because of slow growth in domestic markets and to capitalise on areas such as marketing, research and development, training, technology, production and many more factors. Organisation are fast realising the importance of diversity. Cultural diversity is the idea that cultural identities should not be ignored but in contrast be maintained and respected. The literature which is going to be presented in this paper will examine four main issues. In my opinion these issues are of major importance for global firms. The first issue is the strategies which global firms adapt follw . Secondly, the concept of Technology and Innovation. This section will in detail provide literature from researchers who believe global firms benefit from cultural diversity in this field. It will examine how technology is changing the business world. Thirdly, the marketing issue. This section will provide relevant literature on how global firms can benefit in relation to standardisation of marketing and how advertising campaigns are perceived by different countries. Lastly, the concept of Staffing and Training. This in my view is one of the most important issues. Global organisations can have all the capital in the world but with out the correct leadership and staff, failure is certain. This topic will in detail will put forward the notion of cross-cultural training and will examine whether or not this is a good idea for global organisations. All the topics mentioned above will have cases for and against by the relevant researchers in each field. I feel this is necessary in order to establish a good understanding of the literature review I am conducting. According to (Tallman Jiatao [1996]) diversity has gone from being a moral/legal issue are both into a business necessity.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Relationship between Transport and Environment

Relationship between Transport and Environment The relationship between transport and environment is paradox in nature. From one perspective transportation is categorised in two areas, passenger transportation which consists of all transport of individual, refers to all forms of public and private transport of commuters, passenger baggage transport whether scheduled or unscheduled. The second category of transportation is freight movements meaning the movement of raw materials, of work in progress, finished goods from supplier to consumer and of returns of used and new products back to supplier. Freight movement is also consists of movement of agricultural products (food, fertilizers) and animals. Freight movement is progressively intermodal and multimodal and makes use of local, regional, national and international operations. Transportation causes a considerable amount of harmful emissions, which causes problems that become harmful and costly to the society and environment. According to EU analysis 35% of freight transport acco unts for eight percent of external transport cost to the GDP in European Union (EEA, 2001). The transport sector contributes to 30 percent of the CO2 emissions in OECD countries. 32 percent of Co2 emitted is accounted for by freight transport, while passenger transport accounts for 48 percent of emissions of CO2. This share of transport emissions however increases yearly. In this paper I will be focusing on freight transport (goods and services) impact on the environment. Based on different mode of transport which includes air cargo, shipping, rail, trucking, pipelines and intermodal terminals, the effects on the environment are majorly air pollution, water pollution, noise, global climate concerns, accidents, land take and habitat fragmentation both for humans and animals. The effects of freight transport on the environment affects the interrelation of the environmental system which is between the following:- Atmosphere (air quality) Hydrosphere (water quality) Lithosphere (soil quality) Biosphere (living organisms) In the process of defining the environmental impacts of freight movement, three components could be considered: Firstly the environmental stressors which include pollutants, noise, or exotic and toxic species are released in natural ecosystems. Each tonne of goods transported adds an additional stress on the environment. The cumulative amount of stress placed on the environment depends on the quantity of goods and the destination and distance they are transported. The total stress can be calculated as the quantity of goods times the distance carried multiplied by the stress per tonne. In addition the mode of transportation used is also put in to consideration. The total stress is also determined by the nature of the receiving environment. Visible characteristics such as physical ecosystem characteristics, how populated is the area affected, and how critical or endangered species in the receiving ecosystem will determine the willingness to avoid the impact and payments. This paper will be focusing more on the first component primarily to the other two components, with a little attention to the third component. Overview of Freight Movement Impacts on the Environment Air pollution: Air pollution is considerably seen has the most dangerous environmental threat caused by transportation. Highway vehicles (i.e. cars, trucks, vans e.t.c), marine engines (i.e. propels ships, boats), locomotive (i.e. diesel, coal trains e.t.c), and aircraft are the main causes of pollutant which affects air quality causing damage to human heath and the climatic changes in the environmental system, all these includes gas and emissions that are particulate matters. All these toxic air pollutant are closely related with the cause of cancer, cardiovascular (heart arteries, capillaries and veins), respiratory and neurological diseases. Air pollution reduces the availability of oxygen which affects the blood stream, and can be extremely harmful to public health if Carbon Monoxide (CO) is inhaled; also nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission from different modes of transportation when inhaled reduces lung function, affects the respiratory immune defence system and put humans at higher risk of respiratory problems. Acid rain is caused by the emission of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere from different acid compounds that when they get mixed in the cloud water. Acid rain has serious disruption on the built environment, limits agricultural crop yields and causes deforestation. Acid rain also causes smog, affecting the visibility in the environment having adverse effect on the quality of life and less attraction of tourist activities. Emission from vehicle exhausts as well as non exhaust like dust raise due to vehicle and road abrasion affects air quality in such areas. The impact of the modes of transportation on air quality Air transport: air transport emission during take off and landing contributes to air pollution and global warming. Although emission from air transportation are minor relatively to other means of transportation of goods and services, the rate at which air transportation is adding to the emission from transportation is faster than all other emission source, due to the increase in air travels and air freight. (Vedantham and Oppenheimer 1994, p 1). From a survey two thirds of air freight is carried by commercial passenger flights, and estimated increases in air freight is expected to be distributed through passenger flights. (Snape and Metcalfe p. 176). Low level emission is recorded during take off and landing of air transport, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide during high altitude flight are pollutants to the atmosphere and ozone layer. These pollutants with other compounds could lead to smog. Road/trucking: the movement of freight by road or truck as a great impact on the air quality. The longer a truck is driven the more emission it impacts on the environment. Emission from both exhaust and non exhaust, like the abrasion between truck and road raises dust. Carbon Monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are all effects of emission on the environment. Rail: rail transportation is the less damaging mode of land transportation when compared with trucking. The effect of rail transport on the environment is determined greatly on the source of power generation for the train, like in Europe most of the trains are powered by electricity. In some other part of the world like Nigeria, trains are powered by coal (locomotive) this generates a lot of pollutant to the environment. Shipping: freight transportation through shipping are not a major source of air pollution. Nevertheless, most of ships are powered by combustion engines, so they do emit air pollutants. Emission occurs both underway on the waters and while docking. Pipelines: this mode of transportation is usually safe and free of air pollution, except in cases of accidents, pipe bursting or vandalized. Apart from the pumps been used to pump or compress oil or gas, which emit air pollutant like all other machine does. Water pollution: Generally most of the other mode of transportation does not really have effect on water quality, except for shipping and in land water ways transport, and also in times of accidents i.e pipeline bursting, car accident entering the waters, oil spill e.t.c. The activities of shipping are increasing because of the increase in demand for shipping. Emissions from marine transport as also increased as well; the main effects of marine transport on water subsequently arise from dredging, waste disposal, ballast waters and oil spills. Dredging is essential to build and maintain water depth for ease of shipping operations and port accessibility. Dredging affects the marine biological diversity. Waste disposal of plastics at sea is a major source of environmental harm, since the material are both sizeable (buoyant) and persistent i.e. fishing boats discard old nets, and lines, which are usually made of plastic. Ballast waters are used in containers to keep the ship balance when the ship is empty of cargos. It is used to control the stability and draught and to modify the ship centre of gravity in relation to the cargo and the difference in weight distribution. The water ballast is usually discharge in to the water and replaced with freight. These ballast waters are mixed and contaminated with oil and possibly with other wastes in the tank. The discharge is therefore water pollution to the waters. Oil cargo vessel accidents are one of the most heart breaing problems of maritime transport activities due to oil spills Oil. Road transportation is usually not a factor to consider when it comes to water pollution, but issues like road accidents and vehicle exhaust are both sources of oil and hazardous chemicals which run off the road into surface and ground by rain waters, into seas and ocean these are all direct and indirect causes of water pollution. Noise: Noise pollution refers to the unpleasant irregular and chaotic sounds. It traumatize the hearing organ, its unpleasant and disturbing character are serious threat to the quality of life, noise contributes to such health problems that affects the quality of life such as stress, sleep disturbances, cardio vascular disease, and hearing loss. Surveys show that noise pollution affects people more directly than any other form of pollution. German experience has found that as people become annoyed about noise, they become aware of other environmental pollution problems as well (Kà ¼rerp. 493). And also long term exposure to noise levels greater than 75db seriously hampers hearing and has a significant discomfort to human physical and psychological existence. Trucking: there is different size of trucks causing noise pollution at different scale. Trucks are considered to be a more significant source of noise than other modes of freight transport. Rail: rail freight movement is a lesser noise pollutant when compared to trucks. Air Transport: people living or working around airports suffer from major nuisance from the noise pollution generated during landing and taking off of planes, traffic congestion and other dangers of air crashes. It is a major nuisance to those who live or work in the vicinity of airport. Climatic change All the activities from different mode of freight transportation and passenger transport industry have lead to the emission of several million tons of gases into the atmosphere every year. Gasses, dusts from contact from road and tire cohesion and ash like substances from different modes of transport like lead (Pb), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), silicon tetraflouride (SF6), nitrogen oxides (NOx),benzene and volatile components (BTX), heavy metals (zinc, chrome, copper and cadmium) and particulate matters (ash, dust) as lead to climatic change when mix in the cloud waters. Land take and soil quality The construction of transportation infrastructures and facilities has an impact on the layer of urban landscape. The construction of roads, airport, and rail ways take up significant land space in the environment, in most cases displacing people of their habitat and farm land. Airport takes up space, and discourages people from living in areas close to the airport. Water transport displaces some organism from their habitat, and also dredging is bad for the water and soil organism. Dredging causes soil around the water to be contaminated. Green Movement of Freight The environmental effect of freight movement has caused a lot of harm and changes in the environmental system. Due to all these impacts, some companies have come together separately and some as a group working towards reducing the effects of freight movement on the environment. There lots of freight movement lacking fast and efficient transport underpinning the Global economy. Globally road transport is the most proffered mode of freight movement but rising traffic volumes cause congestion, pollution and extra costs. There are alternatives route which make more economic and environmental sense like rail, sea and inland waterways. Alternative forms of transport are greener, cleaner and even cheaper over time, but most manufacturers and producers and hauliers are not really interested in investing in change. Here are some of the companies investing in alternative green, cleaner and even sometimes cheaper mode of transport:- Damco: is one of the worlds leading company in rendering freight movement and supply chain management services. For more than 30 years Damco have been providing her customers all over the world with transportation and logistics solution. In the process of Damco working on her supply chain expertise extensively, Damco recognize and implements solutions for reducing carbon emissions in your supply chain. The extra advantages of conducting a Supply Chain Carbon Check helps the company have a lower carbon emission level based on best practises within the monitored period. The Supply Chain Carbon Check (SCCC): aides companies in assessing and reducing their supply chain carbon footprint. Damco conducts Supply Chain Carbon Check projects globally for many global companies from various industries. Through increased supply chain efficiency, the emission of CO2 can be reduced with the process of SCCC projects. It also reduces the cost of supply chain. Powered by the partnership with First Climate, Damco offers its clients the opportunity to offset their unavoidable CO2 emissions. Damcos Supply Chain Carbon Dashboard: is a tool use in able to reporting of carbon emissions on a periodic basis. Through the companies new Supply Chain Carbon Dashboard platform, Damco delivers a unique value proposition, assisting other companies in understanding their overall supply chain carbon emissions. By zeroing in on a particular level of emission levels, the Carbon Dashboard immediately allows companies to indentify carbon hotspots in their supply chain. This will help such companies to determine how and what to do to reduce and minimize their carbon footprint, in response to the effects of carbon emission on the climatic change. Damcos Packaging Optimization Service: this service helps in reducing environmental impact of freight movement, by implementing packages that suit companys end to end needs, reducing the number of trucks or containers needed. Damco as a company is able to achieve this new service by partnering with Supply Chain Optimizers (SCO) to deliver a unique Packaging Optimization service. Norbert-Dentressangle: is a freight forwarding company that operates in over 50 countries and across 3 continents. Norbert Dentressangle offers experienced and committed freight forwarding expertise and also work in cooperation with network of specialist partners and channel the transports of goods and services throughout the world using road, sea and air. Norbert Dentessangle provides transport and logistic network solutions that extends across Europe. In Norbert Dentressangle commitment in reducing the companys environmental impact on society, they have taken some measures and obtained accreditation of relevant environmental organisation body like ISO 14001 environmental certification for all the companys sites in Europe. The company is the leading owners of Europes No.1 HGV fleet, in reducing the green house gas emissions from trucks and other transport modes by the company, the company has kept a firm commitment and also believed trucks are not the problem, but form part of the solution. In showing their commitment the company developed some strategies in reducing the impact of their activities on the environment: The companys first strategy was to obtain ISO 14001 environmental certification for all their European sites. The companys sites meet up with stringent environmental management standards, these standards includes several dimensions, like complaisance with regulations, monitoring and measuring energy/water consumption, discards and waste all under the ISO 14001. The company carries out measurement of their consumption of natural and energy resources and reporting on waste treatment. Out of the companys 192 logistic sites, 79 are ISO certified. Truck/ Driving (Eco Driving) Hiring and training of responsible drivers in economical driving also know has eco-driving. Efficient driving that reduces fuel consumption over the same distance of freight movement. In the past decades engine technology has improved, with many drivers not adapting wit changes. Ecodriving offers lots of benefits, including GHG emissions reductions, fuel cost savings, as well as better safety. Working closely with their customers the company is able to optimise their transport plans and loading of associated vehicles. Also Norbert Dentressangle carries out RD projects in partnership with truck manufacturers, with primary objective on creating alternative technologies (innovation) to the diesel engine. The company renews her fleets of vehicle (85% of the companys fleets meets the Euro IV and Euro V standards) periodically to meet EU emission standards. Innovations like: increasing the level of aerodynamics (introduction of deflectors in roofing /lateral,feul efficient standard equipments in all vehicles average fuel efficiency gain of 1.5 l/100 km; tear drop style aerodynamic bodywork which has been tested in the UK: with proven estimated fuel efficiency gain of 5% estimate). Optimising transmission systems: purchases of automatic gearboxes which improve fuel efficiency in driving standard combined with standard equipment in all vehicles: a tested and proven statistics of an average fuel efficiency gain of 1.5 l/100 km). Investing in trucks by purchasing parts reducing rolling resistance (newly produced low-energy tyres by Michelin Energy) The company procures fuel economy device like Stop-Start technology, this device stops the engine from working when the trucks come to a stop, is made available as standard in all trailers purchased from major manufacturers, this new development as recorded an estimated fuel saving of 3% 5%. The company provides alternative multimodal transport solutions where possible. Either combining rail/sea/river/road in different channels. The company reduces carbon emission by carrying out proper packaging of freight goods, reducing the number of trucks and containers needed. Improved transport capacity (ambient and temperature controlled double-deck trailers). Testing alternative technologies to the diesel engine like hybrid technology innovation, being tested on four different prototype trailers in 2011: the following recordings and observations were made: 20% fuel saving efficiency, reduction of about 30% in pollutant emissions, less noise pollution. Carbon Calculator In the effort of measuring carbon emissions, given the fact that in 2013 the European regulations will make it compulsory for all companies registered to measure and publish their carbon emissions. Norbert Dentressangle with the help of its internal team has gone a step further in designing and developing a carbon calculator reliable in measuring emissions produced by the company and her customers during transport activities. The calculator analyse different types of information like mileage, diesel consumption, load weight, content in order to produce to indicators which are: Gross CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions/ tonne per kilometre DPS International DPS international is a global logistic company that has grown to become one of the most advance vehicle routing and scheduling systems service providers in the world. The company is the leading developer of desktop solutions by creating a state-of-the-art desktop solution called (LogiX) and also recently introduced their newly produced web based pay-as-you-go routing and scheduling system, logixcentral. In the effort of the company providing its clients with fleet efficiency, DPS has now developed a module to ensure her client are able to measure their fleets carbon emissions and the impact of introducing new and efficient fuel and emission saving vehicle types, and reducing mileage and numbers of vehicles. For several years the companys customers have been able to reduce their carbon emissions by using the state-of -the art DPS LogiX routing and scheduling software to optimise their vehicle usage. In 2006, from published results, DPS customers were able to save around, 15,000 tonne s of carbon by using LogiX software. DPS Saving Calculator: With the aide of this device companies can estimate how much carbon emissions they are contributing to pollution, and how they could reduce both cost of operations and in relations to carbon emissions by using the DPS calculator. DPS calculator could be downloaded from the companys website under the Financial and Carbon Savings (FACS) link. In show of DPS commitment to reducing green house gas emissions, the Managing Director (MD) Paul Palmer made note in his statement in 3rd April, 2007 for DPS UK to become carbon neutral. The company have worked closely with Climate Care organisation to offset all carbon emissions generated over the past years from our energy use within the companys office and also from the business travel. Due to the use of LogiXcentral over the web, DPS has seen some of her customers reduce their fleets of vehicles from at least (20 to 30 vehicles) to as few as ten vehicles. This reduction in vehicles as offset the cost of software licence (up to  £50,000), computer hardware (laptops and desktop); maintenance agreement (monthly maintenance and upgrades); internal IT support and upgrades (web site maintenance and upgrades). CONCLUSION Basically the major effects of transportation on the environment generally are freight movements. Road contributes a major share of pollutants relatively to other modes. Although air transport has some contradiction with passenger transportation, most goods moved by air is done on commercial flights. The increasing effects of global warming, has been a major wake up call for several organisation in reducing the factors causing global warming. Freight movement is major contributor, with proper awareness and constant innovative solutions the world can remain a better place. Question 3 Fourth Party Logistic Operator (4PL) What is a Fourth Party Logistics operator (4PL) Fourth part logistics companies serve as consultants that integrate the relationship between the principal company and transportation companies and one or more third party logistics companies to make sure all operations are running well. 4PLs render several levels of responsibility, which varies from advice on choosing the best companies, right up to the day-to-day management of essential logistical tasks being performed for the principal companies. Fourth Party Logistics (4PLs) was born originally in the 1990s, by the consulting firm Accenture. The definition of a 4PLs as since then evolved from being a consulting firm who integrates and mange companys logistics resources and providers, including 3PLs and transportation companies. A 4PLs dont own the assets use in the logistics process unlike 3PLs. The heart of the fourth-party logistics concept is the presence of that integrator and the sense of strategy involved. It is a Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) provider. A 4PL brings different perspectives and value which includes knowledge, experience and technology existing in the operational systems of the customers, and can and will work with the firm to reengineer it into an improved or new process. A 4PL is neutral and offers managerial responsibilities for the logistics process, regardless of what carriers, forwarders, or warehouses are owned or used by the primary company. The 4PL will even manage existing 3PLs either one or more, already been used by the customer. Historical relationship with the customer and existing 3PL means a better understanding of the complexity of the customers requirements, this allows for a viable solutions and to have customer satisfaction and retention policies. Some 3PLs companies also upgrade their expertise to render consultancy services like a 4PL. Some 3PLs have a 4PL division. Advantages of outsourcing a transport operation to a fourth part Logistics operator A good 4PL company should have a state-of-the-art technology that ensures their customers high demands are met. It should be able to render solutions that can be customized to each clients requirement, and also be able to deliver maximised availability of the right product at minimum inventory holding cost. These are the advantages/benefits of an efficient collaborative 4PL approach to logistics solutions: Debt and Unique Expertise: when logistics process becomes complex, increasingly expensive and non core competency to shed. The verse availability of resources at 4PL disposal makes it have capabilities to identify the most effective ideas and do further analysis on them to see how effective they are to their customers. 4PLs have more recourses and contacts (3PLs, IT vendors and transport companies) available for their customers to choose from. It retains cooperate supply chain network in the companys data. 4PLs addresses operational failures of existing 3PL companies by creating completely new structure for their customers. 4PLs carries out a single point of contact to mange all areas of their customers supply chain network to check for failures from existing or previous 3PLs. Normalize data: due to difference in reporting formats and different metrics from multiple relationships, 4PL is able to align these different data (normalize data) and makes it easy and quickly to compare data across the supply chain and across the company. For instance 4PLs knits together different 3PLs into a total, integrated solution. 4PLs deploy assets as efficiently as possible by considering both inbound and outbound sectors of supply chain logistics to leverage synergisms. Analytic capability: 4PLs does this by managing supply chain on a more concentration on data intensive basis. For instance, the curiosity of whether deliveries reached their final destination safely and on time is further analysed to also determine whether distribution stations have the right inventory and right levels of inventory. Optimisation of supply chain: this the ability of the 4PL to get a great rate on transport cost from one point to the other. 4PL do more comprehensive research in the process of goods being moved from one point to the other, paving way for an environment in which encourages the supply chain to become a competitive advantage. 4PLs are in a better position to develop meaningful metrics in a common format making use of terms and conditions that are standardized across the company and its supply chain. The ability of 4PLs to deliver raw materials and finished goods at the right place and right time, gives their customers a competitive advantage. Customers working with a top 4PL have the advantage of getting exposed to best practices and encourages innovation through the supply chain. 4PLS work with variety of companies both home and abroad, so they have a wide contacts and knowledge. 4PLs are welled positioned to see different approaches to problems and issues, in the process they assimilate the most effective approaches into their practices that could later be used on their customers. Sharing and Reducing Risks: the relationship between 4PLs and its customers brings about the sharing and reduction of risks. The 4PL company transfers, avoids, and also eliminates risks because they are specialized providers of logistic solutions. They are able to have first hand experience to assess uncertainties and potential catastrophes affecting logistics operations. The 4PL also have sophisticated and sufficient equipment and facilities to run logistics and supply chain process efficiently. The 4PL dont want to fail, in doing so they share risk with their customers. Improves Accountability: most companies find it hard to track money spent on transport activities, they cant come up with a presentation that states the consolidated report of detail spending or the reasons for it. 4PLs drive efficiency: by improving not just on transportation efficiency, but also on packaging engineering and products engineering. It makes use of its collaborative environment to pull together both packaging engineers and production engineers to optimize the sectors that has direct or indirect effect on the supply chain. For instance, freight forwarders deal with chartered weights and actual weights, so the main aim is to minimize the difference between charted and actual weights and in the process get better unit prices. Changing the structure of the network: this a usual approach taken by 4PLs, by implementing changes to optimize the supply chain, changes/ additional warehouses and distribution centre location, staging and inter or multi modal transportation. These are a one time savings, but are necessary for effective performance. It is very essential to look at transportation modes; fluctuation in factors affecting transport modes like economics, disaster, and pollution e.t.c. for instance, fluctuation in economics may cause some changes to modes of shipment. The decision on what combination of transport modes is necessary to get a better logistics solution. 4PLs provides its customers Improved availability of raw materials, increased customer satisfaction rating, and increased sales and profit by exposing its customers to its additional clients and other divisions. Effective consultancy and solutions provided by 4PLs leads to reductions in lead-times in exportation from export country to import country and vice versa. Improved load planning through consolidation options delivering optimised container fills 4PLs creates the opportunity of greater collaboration and improved relationships with multiple partners which shows no one knows it all. No company is perfect in every area and location of operations. A 4PL over sees all financial activities of 3PLs, in case of financial failure 4PLs releases capital through proper selling of logistics assets to the 4PL organisation or on levelled headed free market. Disadvantages of outsourcing a transport operation to a fourth part Logistics operator Although 4PLs have lots of benefits and logistic solutions to their customers, there are also some negative aspects of a Fourth Party logistics to the customers and the company. Some of these disadvantages are listed below: Lost of Control over the Supply Chain: as a company outsource its supply chain to a 4PL a bit of the companys control is lost. The company takes the risk of depending on the fourth party logistics provider and losses the control over the logistics and service process when the logistics operations are subcontracted to logistic providers like 4PLs. if the logistic operations goes like an error or mistake, the company will be affected directly but is unable to fix the problem itself due to the fact that such activities have been outsourced to a 4PL. Cost Awareness: out